School is incredible! The amount of new knowledge that has been crammed into my head in just a month is astounding and overwhelming at times! I'm learning so much about research methodologies, recreation and leisure, and disability. The disability course in particular has been pretty mind blowing. Have you ever noticed the under-tones of disability in Disney movies, or the stories that Disney worked off of (Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen anyone)?
I've really enjoyed learning to think critically (as is the goal of most of my courses), and it is really cool to look at my work from a new perspective. I teach art classes and facilitate art projects for persons with dementia, and as much as I have been lucky to work in a setting that fosters an incredible open-mindedness and respect for all our participants, I feel like I am learning something new every time I work. I also feel as though every day I come across something, in some shape or form, that demonstrates a lack of understanding, a fear, and a stigma of disability and dementia. It makes me want to change that, and it makes me so happy and feel so fortunate that I've got a chance to do that through grad school and my research.
On a less serious note - I totally caved and bought something from the second hand store I mentioned in my last post. You know when the stars align and by some fluke you find the exact item you had in your mind's eye (even if it's something as arbitrary as a "navy blue turtle neck sweater that is long enough to cover my bum")? That happened, and they had just put the item out on display that morning. WOO!
Thanksgiving is this weekend (in Canada) so I will be going home again for that, seeing the family, being thankful for all the things, and eating lots and lots of delicious food! Have you ever noticed how much 'orange' we eat in the fall? Pumpkin pie, sweet potato, squash, carrots.... the list goes on.
What's up with you these days!?