March 25, 2015

The Final Stretch ( & A Thank you!)

The end of something never feels quite 'real', even though I am right here, right now, smack dab in the middle of this real life ending. In less than two weeks I will be done with my undergrad and onto bigger, (hopefully) better things. This next little bit of time will be filled with the wrapping up of loose ends, finishing projects, and writing an exam (just one though, yay!).

This drawing is a self portrait I did in my first year - that's already four years ago! Though I really liked how this portrait turned out then, and still like it now,  it's crazy to think of how much I've improved, grown, learned, and changed since then. In first year I thought I'd be able to get by without drawing hands properly and neglecting elbows and knees. I've since learned that shortcuts don't get me anywhere in art (and sometimes in life, too).  In first year I had friends who I don't see anymore - we all went separate ways and became interested in our own things. I would never have imagined that I would experience as much as I have in these 4 years. It's been a wild ride! I can't believe it's almost over, it's so surreal!

 So, I just wanted to check in and let you know what's up, as well as give you all a big THANK YOU for the support and the excitement over the re-brand last Saturday! It's really exciting that you all love it too, and that my amateur coding skills are holding their own in terms of design at least!

If you missed it, check out the Re-Brand post for more information and a little giveaway. Last day to enter is this Saturday, March 28th!


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