March 24, 2016


Life has been so wild and busy lately!

Recently, I started a contract job with an organization that does a yearly installation/exhibition for children involving lots of cool technology. It's a ton of fun - but also, keeps me super busy given that I haven't given up any of my other jobs and my freelance work has been picking up. 7 work days a week, woo!

I am excited to get to blogging again - it has been a while since I have had time to sit, and relax, and string some sentences together for this blog post. 

I am hopeful that when this contract job ends I will be able to focus a little more on my personal projects, this blog included! House of Ell is dear to my heart and I want it to grow and blossom.

Here are a few tidbits about what I've been up to lately:

- I've been selling my Nudie products at shows, and they will be selling in a retail store at the end of the month!
- At the end of the month I am also doing an exciting mural that I can't wait to get started on
- I went to Chicago for a few days and saw all sorts of beautiful things and ate so many delicious meals. What a cool city!
- Doing some sweet stuff for some bands in Toronto lately, which I will share later!
- Looking forward to summer! I am so sick of this cold - we have freezing rain today, yuck

So, that's me right now. What's up with you? Catch me up!

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