January 8, 2018

Sunsetrise - a Poem

Inspired by Fee of Burnt Feather, I'm trying to be brave and share my poetry, even though it is not the art form I am usually comfortable with sharing. Any other poetry enthusiasts/dabblers out there? I've been writing since I was a little girl, and actually first made a blog for the sole purpose of sharing my poetry. I only shared it with my friends, but it was very special to me. After several writing workshops taken for fun and with friends, I'm rediscovering that joy and I want to share some of my word-doodles here.

In mellow golden tones…
Sunsetrise, the cusp of days and nights.
Tender expectation (or disappointment)
In the letting go (anticipation) of a day.
What was and will summed up in succulent tones;
Ruby red in ochre;
Fruity pink in lemonade.
The sky is hot (and tasty).
I want to bite into
The gradated ribbon separating night and day
Across the sky.
Taste today and tomorrow so I can know.
But there is no dessert like the (knowledge) you can’t have.

Temptation and delight,
In the overflowing moments between day and night.
And when clouds roll past in contrasting blues;
Navy and cerulean,
Robin’s egg and forget-me-nots.
Flowers of the sky,
Cousins of the stars.
They all know our dreams;
The ones we whisper out with every exhale
And wish with every intake of air.
The turn of the day, the turn of the night;
The truth in these moments in the sky are ours
But not to have.
Forever out there in the cycle of fluctuating gold and blue.

Let me know what you think, and if you're interested in more!


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