March 15, 2015

Weekly Photo Capsule .8

Hey everyone!

I've had a very exciting week. I submitted my second last essay of my undergrad (woop!), I'm working away at my 'memory mandala' piece, and SPRING is showing its face around here (double woop!). I walked to work on Monday and was so thrilled to see the sun out and the concrete of the sidewalks showing through. I can't remember the last time there wasn't ice on the sidewalks! I decided spur of the moment to do a painting class inspired by Spring, and my participants painted beautiful scenes with flowers and sunshine and pastels. It was a great way to start the week.

That skull in the picture is a horse skull that was brought into class for a painting set up - it's HUGE. It looks like a big ol' dinosaur head, and it was so bizarre to me to see little spider webs inside it's eye! The idea that something that was once so alive is now the home of a living creature was really thought provoking and beautiful.

On top of all that goodness, as I mentioned in my Creative Crush post about Cocorrina, the branding for House of Ell is done, and I've been working away at turning it into a layout that I will launch next weekend, along with some other exciting things! This timing coincides perfectly as I've recently been refreshing my html and css skills for a website for class. It's been really fun to dive back into coding.

I'm going to post more about the re-brand launch, and little tidbits and sneek peaks throughout the next week! Stay tuned!

How has your week been!?

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