Hey look it's an OCADU graduate... oh surprise, it's me!
Well, I suppose it isn't really a surprise after 4 years of hard work. It does feel a little surreal though, and very unreal!
I started university as a wee 17 year old, due to my late birthday. I had just gone through a tough break up and was soo, soooo ready to move on and become the new, best me that I could be. Obviously, I have changed and grown in ways I could never count or measure! I lived on my own for the first time, I did a semester abroad and lived in an entire other country on my own, I made so many friends, became more sure of myself and confident in my abilities. I also developed a backbone and no longer let people walk all over me. That only took me 20 years to develop! Haha.
Now, I am again, ready to move on and become the new, best me that I can be. It's a funny cycle, the feeling of being ready to move on from something you so looked forward to, and I don't know how it will be now that my current 'life phase' is indefinite. There are no more 4 year chunks of specific education that have an absolute end date, no more set life phases except the ones I will determine for myself. It's exciting! Scary, but exciting!
My Graduation show was really wonderful - it was so very, very heartwarming to have all my close friends come out on their own time, even ones who don't live in the city! I am such a fortunate gal with so many wonderful people in my life. Some of my cousins came by with their partners, some of my former co-workers and bosses came out, a friend from work came, one of my friends bought me sushi because I was starving, and my fella kept me company the first and last days. He also got me the most ridiculously gorgeous bouquet with purple lilies and big yellow flowers, and we are off to Europe TOMORROW as a big celebration (and also just as an exciting trip!). Life is swell.
So here's to 4 years of learning and growth, to ending on a very high note, and the rest of my lifetime to continue learning.
ps. I have a few scheduled posts for the next 3 weeks, but as I will be away it will be a bit quieter around here! I promise I'll be back soon with lots of cool travel stories to share, so keep an eye out & have a great few weeks!